Designing Events For Introverts
Even though most events are now going virtual, designing events for introverts still remains a relevant topic. And arguably, it becomes even more important. It’s a matter of fact that virtual events make the experience more accessible to a larger number of people. For those who can’t travel due to disability, for those who are all the way across the world and, in this case, for introverts. Plus, another thing to keep in mind is the fact that in-person events will come back eventually. And when that time comes, we as planners can’t forget about all of these people. So discussing the best practices involved in designing events for introverts is not only pertinent but also necessary, Which is why we’re dedicating this week’s #EventIcons to the topic!
Joining our incredible host Alex Plaxen is the wonderful Leanne Calderwood. Leanne is a self-proclaimed introvert and an icon of the events industry. In fact, she’s meeting planners’ go-to expert in Canadian hotel site selection, helping hotel sales connect better with planners. And today, the two of them will debate how planners can go about designing events for introverts so that people on this spectrum can enjoy and be a part of the experience just as much as any extrovert would. So grab on to your seats and press play – it’s about to get iconic up in here!